Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Haha..I GOT THIS ONE FROM TISH.. hehe.. super natuwa ksi ko kaya ipopost ko din..mwah!

1. Brewsters - people who listen to the show
2. Brewho - male
3. Brewha - female
4. Brewhay - gay
5. Brewjay - lesbian
6. Brewhihi - bisexual
7. Wasak - an expression denoting wastedness
8. Marang - Johey Oak fruit, a relative of jackfruit, that is said to be an aphrodisiac
9. Papaya - a fruit that is said to be an anaphrodisiac
10. Marang festival - group sex
11. Papaya salad - Bible study group
12. Mayonnaise - it is said that if you love Mayonnaise it means you're adventurous
13. Shoe size - they said that a brewho's shoesize is equal to the length of his organ
14. Panext - someone of legal age, no longer a minor.
15. People of the Philippines - a minor
16. Prepaid - a good sign if you're gonna court a girl because it means you can make pasaload
17. Postpaid - a bad sign if you're courting a girl because it means you would have to double your efforts
18. Public School - a poor member of the society
19. Private School - a "laking aircon" or someone who grew up with airconditioning
20. Poor beggars of edsa - urban society
21. illiterate - bobo (moron), tanga (stupid), or slow (slow witted)
22. Kawaii - a cute japanese girl
23. 110 volt - a foreign guy like Troy Montero
24. 220 volt - a native filipino male
25. autovolt - a mix between the two, like Christian Vasquez
26. Picking some pencils - a style used in peeping
27. early bird - callers who call at the early part of the show. they usually experience slamming of the phone.
28. people of the philippines - 16-17 years old
29. puberty age - 15 and below
30. obit - lesbian

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